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What kind of beauty is the beauty of China? Zhao Feiyan Juanqingruyan is still the Body Feng Yu Yang Yuhuan? Each time beauties have different standards, the standards of traditional Chinese beauty is: full of seeds face, such as curved eyebrows of the slender crescent, legs, fingers and slim, as Ningzhi skin, white, rashes. However, with the LU Yan in the international T platform moving farther and farther, for much of Chapter international attention, international movie star Bai Ling, who on behalf of the Chinese beauty, the Chinese beauty campus chinese beauty girls standard increasingly controversial.
Sina Yirenfengcai channels with the "China Beauty Fashion" co-sponsored "Chinese-style beauty standards" a major theme discussed. At 15 o'clock on September 6, Dr. Wen Ho Lee, the China Youth newspaper deputy director and deputy editor-in-chief, the China Youth Daily "Youth Newsletter," editor-in-chief CHEN campus chinese beauty girls , the "China Famous Brand", deputy director of Guangxi Qinchang Sina house guests chat with netizens of the broad masses of Chinese-style beauty standards. The above-oriented chat wonderful picture.


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